Steel Panel LLC
The Company was incorporated in 1995 and manufactures insulated sandwich panels, profile sheet and building systems of high quality conforming to international standards, using latest Australian machines and technology, catering to local as well as export markets. The Company commenced production during 1997.
Products include insulated sandwich panels using prepainted G.I. steel for outer skins and expanded polystyrene as the core material having varied applications like cold rooms, freezer trucks, food processing plants, ice-creams, dairy products, fish, meat and frozen food where temperature control hygiene are vital. Besides it is a used for clean rooms, porta-cabins/modular houses, partitions etc. For the construction industry, we offer a complete building systems, which include structure, cladding (for roof and wall) and Z / C Purlins. We have a team capable to assist from drawing board stage to finalisation and finishing of the project on individual project basis and customer requirements. These systems are ideally suited for factories and ware-houses, both medium, large and can be supplied with insulation or without. Our profiled roof and wall sheets which are very popular and commonly used for various construction applications are available in G.I. steel as well as in aluminium and in different colours.
The Company offers fast and prompt deliveries and welcomes inquiries from all quarters, assuring of best services and co-operation at all times.