Cool-Tech International Company LLC
Over a period of 6 years stands tall and is a total solution provider in the field of:
Air Conditioning Projects( Specialised in VRV)
Ducting (Both G.I and Pre-Insulated)
Refrigeration piping Specialists and their associated services.
The company having grown multi-fold and has not only expanded its business portfolio by adding more Contracts but also enhanced the customer support base.
The Air Conditioning Division.
Aryaf Amla Trading Airconditioning Division mainly caters to five leading Distributors of AC Brands –
Daikin,Chigo,Supra-Muscat Electronics LLC
LG-Oman Trading Establishment
Mitsubishi- Al Hashar Electronics
York –Genetco
Shamel Sarco-Trane
In fact, the company grew from strength to strength with the quality of Work done and Timely Service provided to it’s Customers. The company provides Services to a wide range of customers, which include ministries/ government departments, institutions / private firms and individual customers.